Nejlepší texty blahopřání k narozeninám v angličtině: pošlete gratulace i do ciziny

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Ukažte, že umíte víc než jen Happy Birthday!

Zamilované anglické narozeninové přání pro partnera/ku

Pokud chcete potěšit svou drahou polovičku v její rodné řeči, pošlete jí narozeninové přání v angličtině. Zamilované blahopřání v anglickém jazyce vyjádří nejen lásku, ale podtrhnou váš smysl pro originalitu. Inspirujte se našimi texty nebo si stáhněte některé anglické přání online: 

Today is your Birthday. I’m so glad we can share it together and I wish you everything good not only for today, but for every moment of your life. Happy Birthday my dearest love xxx
Let me wish you Happy Birthday, give you a huge kiss and pray for your good health, full purse and handful of good friends. I love you very much.
Today is a special day, You’re the reason, by the way. I’m going to celebrate. My dearest friend, my dearest mate. Let me send you Birthday kiss, with lots of love I really miss. Hope we see each other soon, love you to the farthest moon (and back). Happy Birthday my love xxx
Love is a gift that lasts all life. I cannot say how much I owe to God for that he gave me such a special person. Thank you for every day you’re with me. Happy Birthday my love!
Happy Birthday my love, let me wish you good health, all your secret dreams come true and please stay the same as I’ve always loved you.
One person can make a whole world for another and you’re the one for me. Thanks for all the nice days I can love you and let me wish you a very happy Birthday.
I love you from the very first day we met and I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives. Happy Birthday my love xxx
Let your Birthday be filled with my love, your smile and our joy. Happy Birthday my dear!
God created this day to celebrate the best person in the world. At least in my one. Let’s celebrate together on your special day, you make my life better than I ever wished for. Happy Birthday xxx
Let your dreams come true, your purse be filled, your job become funny and your mind always lucky. Happy birthday from

Univerzální gratulace k narozeninám v AJ

Potřebujete poslat anglické blahopřání k narozeninám do ciziny, ale angličtina není vaše silná stránka? Ať už chcete poslat online přání příbuzným, kolegovi nebo zahraničnímu spolužákovi, z našich originálně a správně napsaných sms přání k narozeninám v AJ si určitě vyberete:

Happy Birthday! We all wish you lucky days, good health, optimistic mind and sense of humour to fight through another amazing year of your life!
Let me raise the goblet to wish you good health, lots of love from your closest ones and many great adventures through all the next year of your life. Happy Birthday!
I wish you Happy Birthday and I hope you celebrate it with those you love the most, because you’re a very special person to lots of us and fill our lives with lots of joy.
Your Birthday is just once a year but you’re great every day. Let me wish you good health, a bit of luck and lots of joy in everything you do. Happy Birthday from
Today is a great day for those who know a nice person with a huge heart, smart mind and positive worldview. Thank you for being here for us. Happy Birthday our dear friend xxx
Birthday is just once a year, so please forget about all the musts and have-tos ale just do nothing annoying today. Let’s celebrate another fantastic year, happy Birthday!
Let me wish you a very happy Birthday, enjoy the time with your closest ones and forget about everything you don’t want to do today. Cheers!
Raise the goblets to the health and luck of our dearest friend! We wish you a very happy Birthday, spend the day with your beloved ones and look forward to another amazing year. Cheers!
Muž s kyticí růží k narozeninám.

Básnička v angličtině

Veršované blahopřání k narozeninám oceníte jak na papírovém přání poštou, tak v narozeninové sms. Stačí zkopírovat elektronické přání a odeslat, jak snadné!

Happy Birthday my dear friend, let the day be with no end. Celebrate the event now, you’re the one who will say how!
Raise the goblets, eat a cake, do anything that will make you happy, pleased and satisfied, spend the time with those you love. I wish you a very happy Birthday xxx
Let me send you Birthday card, even if you’re a bit more far. There’s no distance that can split me from you and you from me. Happy Birthday my dear!
You’re a great person, my best friend, this is not the very end of what I want to tell you now, please sit down and just say Wow! Yes I want to share with you the reasons why I find you good. Enjoy this special day and have a very happy Bday!
Have a very happy day, now you have to celebrate, let the work to wait some time and enjoy some good glass of wine. Cheers my friend, I wish you all that only you secretly want. Happy Birthday from…
I always know that you’re with me, even if we cannot meet. Now I wish you a happy day, a special day to celebrate. Happy Birthday my friend!

Vtipné blahopřání v angličtině

Suchý anglický humor se skvěle hodí i do narozeninové gratulace, tak neváhejte a zašlete vtipné přání k narozeninám v angličtině vašim blízkým třeba na druhou stranu světa.

Please forget about diets, restrictions and plans. Today the only thing you have to do is think about yourself and enjoy every moment. Happy Birthday!
Today is the day when all diets are forbidden, getting drunk is desirable and a great party is a must-have. Let’s celebrate, it’s your Birthday!
Have a coffee, eat a cake enjoy everything that can make your mind happy, feeling good, in today’s air there’s a party mood. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, happy birthday, million times more, let’s get drunk so you can hardly find your door. Today it’s your day to celebrate with friends, remember the perfect party really never ends!

Tip! Pošlete místo textového přání vtipné narozeninové video!

Video Happy Birthday

Oblíbená narozeninová písnička je známá po celém světě. Zkopírujte odkaz na video s písní happy birthday to you a pošlete narozeninové přání, které opravdu potěší.

Narozeniny jsou jen jednou za rok a každého oslavence potěší i sebekratší přání. Neumíte dost dobře anglicky? Nenechte se omezovat jazykovou bariérou a vyberte si některý z našich připravených textů. Když popřejete oslavenci v jeho rodné řeči, určitě ho to velmi potěší.

Autor článku
Martina Nosálková

Miluji život a věřím, že každý den se najde důvod k oslavě. Píši pro vás přání všeho druhu a jsem ráda, že tak můžu předat radost druhým.

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